I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The invisible world has fascinated me since my early childhood.

Due to a high sensitivity I have always had a lot of questions about spiritual life in my mind. I also have always been very intuitive and was curious about subjects of which i had never heard before.

When i was ten years old I already wanted to learn tarot reading in order to assist other people.

All this questioning made me search for the answers and dedicate myself to studying the soul realms, this holistic universe which we call self-awereness.

My education started very early . I was given my first tarot deck when I was fourteen  years old. At that time I was already participating in workshops, seminars, symposiums, congresses and attending classes on those particular subjects which I wanted to learn about.

Everything that was related  to the holistic and spiritual aspects interested me.

I have had the opportunity to learn from  great holistic professionals  and deepen my knowledge.

By 1991 I was already working as a consultant and in 1996, as a result of my dedication, i started giving tarot classes.

In 1998 I got to know Reiki, and this changed my life . I fell in love with this wonderful healing hands technique which has always helped me so much. Reiki has been helping and doing a lot of good to people all over the world.

I came to the conclusion that it is a precious tool to help people and the planet, just like  the tarot.

In 1999 I realized the dream of becoming a Reiki master ( Usui and Tibetan systems).

Since then I have been working, attending and giving Reiki classes in all levels , including master degree and contributing for Reiki spreading all over the world. Reiki is overall an amazing technique.

I went on studying and going after further information and knowledge which I could add to those tecniques that I was already working with. I then started studying the crystals and the healing stones. My intuition told me that using crystals in natural healing work  would be of great importance and this was exactly what happened. I then started to use crystals in Reiki sessions with great results.

Both techniques worked perfectly together and brought excellent results to the clients.

After many years of working with crystals and confirming its effectiveness I decided to share this technique and knowledge  with other people. I then set up a class on crystals and healing stones to any person that would be interested in learning how to use the stones in their everyday life, and also to other therapists willing to learn how to use crystals and healing stones in their holistic works.

As I continued to deepen my studies and my practice I developed a new way of consulting people which i called “ soul attunement”. This was the result of all I learnt along my professional life as a holistic therapist and natural healer .

The soul attunement  led me to a deeper study of the human soul and consequentely to the study of Ho´oponopono (hawaiian wisdom).

Following to all this, I began to study and practice meditation , raising the quality of my activities  and of my life.

This is my life purpose , I was born to realize this work of my life, either attending people, teaching, or sharing the knowledge that I acquired along my jorney.

My greatets Joy is to be able to being useful.

I thank God ( the Creator) above all, the opportunity that life provided me of being a channel of positive vibrations.

My experience and learnings taught me that there is no magic or miraculous holistic treatment that can solve everything at a  blink, but there are beautiful tools that can provide us with clarity, balance, peacefulness  and understanding , making us able to our inner change.

We will never  be able to change anyone but ourselves and the way we cope with life. As we are the creators of our own reality  we can reach infinite possibilities and realizations : our well-being , happiness and harmony. To be able to reach this state of being, it requires  an interior change and dedication  to build a new way of life .

My role is to help people who want to start or have already started this process , helping each one of them to find themselves. To be in Pono (attuned) with their own souls meaning to be in harmony with their own self, be happy and accomplish their life purpose with joy, because life is a gift, a great opportunity  to evolve and to grow.

Our planet is at the peak of transition to a better world .

It is time to awake.

The change begins inside ourselves , we are the new Earth and our inner change will build a new world of love that we wish.

The time is now.

This is my history , my life purpose.

Let us follow our path together , transforming ourselves in order to ascend to a bright new level of consciousness.

Dani Lobo