Find your inner peace
Enjoy the benefits
The cosmic life force energy flowing through yourself
The path to inner wisdom
Learn how to meditate and achieve awereness
Reconciliate with your soul and be happy
Where do we come from? What is happening to the world? How can we change it ?
How to promote your holistic practice an be successul
Safe and natural method of healing the soul

Dani Lobo
Dani is a holistic therapist, Reiki (master degree), tarot consultant, teacher and a natural healer .



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You can count on consultations in several therapies, with attendance or online. Feel free to choose what your heart asks for. I'm sure you'll find the one you need most right now.
Dani Lobo is a wonderful professional … Someone who dedicates body and soul to what she does and who is always with open arms to welcome you and help you discover your own way of walking in this life.
The soul attunement is something that words can not explain … It is like diving into a crystalline water that invigorates and renews your energy … All this added to the work with crystals, Reiki and so many other works that this angel on earth provides us … Dani is a gift from God in our lives.

The work developed by Dani materializes the instrument that helped me in my cycle of rebirth in Reiki and in the Crystals. These were unique experiences, in which he always demonstrated a great deal of technical knowledge derived from his vast years of experience, but he always let his intuition speak highly in the development of the process, thus allowing special moments, which I keep with me with affection.
Gratitude for having helped me in my walk as a therapist and in doing good to people.

I indicate, admire and respect professional Dani Lobo for his commitment to all of us, teaching us and helping us to find our inner Light of wisdom and unconditional love.
She works with a lot of competence, professionalism and humanity. I take this opportunity to thank you for everything that has helped and taught me Thank you Dani!

What a joy to be able to count on Dani’s consultations and courses. I had the opportunity to know the soul tuning and perform the tarot consultation. I have already used the Bach flowers indicated by her and I did the Reiki III course.
All of these therapies are like balms that help clear the mind and guide the soul, bringing an excellent sense of well-being. She is a serious and very competent professional. I’m a fan ! Super recommend it.

You can expect a reply in 48 hours maybe less , i will answer you as soon as possible.
Se você chegou até aqui é porque se identificou com alguma das atividades e ouviu seu chamado interior para descobrir esse universo incrível que existe dentro de você. Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato e agendar sua consulta, verificar a data do próximo curso de seu interesse ou tirar qualquer dúvida. Terei o maior prazer em responder, estou esperando por você!
WhatsApp: +55 21 98836-2564
Instagram: dani_sealover
Canal do YouTube: Dani Lobo