

Ho´oponopono  is a Hawaiian word . It means to fix something that is broken, to make it right .

And it is starts with ourselves . Ho´oponopono is a mental process that allows  first to heal yourself  in a  very deep level .

When  you become right with yourself, you become right with others.

The first step to that process is to forgive. Without forgiveness the soul can not heal, without forgiveness the body  will perish .

We need to let it go, first inside of ourselves  then to the others involved. It is important to be in “Pono” with yourself , that is the beginning.

Ho´oponopono is a legacy of  ancient  Hawaiian wisdom , it is a treasure , a precious jewel .

It teaches us how to live in balance , well-being and have a prosperous life.

Healing the soul

Ancient Hawaiian wisdom teach us that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens to ourselves. . It means we create our own reality .

To be able to achieve higher levels  of conscioness and have a better life /reality  we need to change from inside out.

The inner change is the key to change our lives .

The soul needs forgiveness , needs to allow  good things like joy, happiness , good health and specially to have inner piece .

The firts step is self forgiveness , if there is no inner piece, there is no happy life.

The most important relationship  we have is with ourselves, inside of us, between our conscious mind and our subconscious  mind.

If both of them are in Pono , aligned , we will be just fine.

Our phisical life  is a reflection  of our interior .

Ho´oponopono  allows you to make these changes , it is a fantastic opportunity  to achieve inner balance , consequently creating  a better and happy reality

Aloha ,

Dani Lobo

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