What is it ?

It is a vibrational healing process,  promoting calmness, harmony and inner peace.

Sometimes our soul are in conflict  and need to be in harmony again with the divine self that exists inside of each one of us.

During the process will be check what is happening, and a guidance to  what can be done to recover the inner balance.

How does the session work?

The session will start with a talk via Zoom Meetings, you can tell your intentions, and what you want to the session to support.

Set aside 1h00 for the session.

You can choose if you prefer to seat, meditate or lie down, whatever you feel moore confortable, to move you to a receptive state. You can also creat a healing space for yourself (while, it is not necessary for the treatment) play some relaxing music, light an incense or just choose a quiet and peaceful place to raise the vibration.

After the end of the treatment, will be another talk via skipe   to end the session.

Bach florals recommendations and Reiki is included on session.

One Session: $50* | 90 minutes

4 session package (for usage 30 days within): $140

*Price in US dollars. Payment by Xoom , a PayPal service 


Whati is it?

Tarot is a 78 card deck that connect  to the divine inside of us.

It is  very helpful, specially if we need clarify about a specif situation (spiritual,emotional,  professional or love).

How does the session work?

The cards show you  the present reality and the potential future, based on your present actions.

If you like what you see, you can keep going on that direction or if you do not like it, you can change yourself and it will change you present reality and the future.

Tarot works as a wise advisor, a suggestion, and also offer you new possibilities  to change the outcome .

Remmember, tarot will  never tell you what to do, tarot will show you the possibilities and you, just you, can do it.

Tarot is a divine tool, let the tarot enlighten you and change your life into a reality where you can enjoy who you are.


Price: $70* | 1h00

*Price in US dollars. Payment by Xoom , a PayPal service


What is it?

Reiki is a spiritual japanese healing technique for stress relief, relaxation that also promotes healing and inner peace .

Reiki is the pure cosmic universal energy flowing through the hands .

It is not affliliated to any philosophy or religion .

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe  method  of spiritual healing and wellbeing.

How does the Reiki session work?

The Reiki session will start with a talk via Zoom Meetings, you can tell your intentions, and what you want to the session to support.

Set aside 1h00 for the session.

You can choose if you prefer to seat, meditate or lie down, whatever you feel moore confortable, to move you to a receptive state. You can also creat a healing space for yourself (while, it is not necessary for the treatment) play some relaxing music, light an incense or just choose a quiet and peaceful place to raise the vibration.

After the end of the treatment, will be another talk to end the Reiki session.

Bach florals recommendations is included on session.

Price: $ 25* |  50 minutes

*Price in US dollars. Payment by Xoom , a PayPal service