Swimming with a Whale shark

nadar com um tubarão baleia

I took this picture on august /2014.

It was the best experience /swimming/diving of my life, until now.

Swim with whales sharks was something i will never forget .

They are so big and so gentle ate the same time, i called them “piece giants”.

They taught me about love. I travelled from Brazil to Mexico , just to be there with them. I tried for 2 years .

The firts time (2013)  the season was over  and the next year (2014) i was there again and it was a dream com true.

To protect them , each boat can carry 10 people , and just 2 people in water  each time. It was me and my husband Chris. On our turn  we saw many of them , when we took that shot.

The second time in the water, i received a gift , i start swimming with a whale shark , doing my best to reach him lol, and we swam together for a few minutes just me and him.

The best feeling of my life.

And when i was too tired to keep swimming he just kept going and very softly  he touched me with his tale like if he was saying “see you soon”.

My giant sea friend .

it was a gift, i never touched him, to not disturb him.

I did not took a picture of this moment , cause i really decided  to live it , to feel it, and i forgot everything else.

It is recorded on my soul forever. They taught me to love all sharks.

After him, everything changed.

I am and always was a sea lover , but after that day i became a sharklover, all sharks. And i do my best to protect them , i try to do my share.

After that day i felt inner piece, it confirmed me i took the right decision  to become a vegetarian.

I am vegetarian for 15 years.

Let´s do it ! They need our help! Our love! All animals!

Let´s save our planet! Our oceans!

I pray, meditate  and practice  Reiki to the ocean benefit everyday , i love the ocean so much that is bigger than me. And make me so happy  to see so many others just like me, and for sure much better than me, spreading awereness about sharks and the sea…

We are not alone.

We are many…

God bless the sea.

Dani Lobo

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