Tarot soul card

Tarot soul card

Tarot is a 78 picture card deck, which the first 22 cards are called Major arcana  and the other 56 cards are called Minor arcana .

It is  a  very special deck, usually used for reading sessions,    and well known as the mirror of the soul.

Consulting the tarot is consulting your  inner self , the divinity within you . For that you need to study the tarot meaning or ask for a tarot consultor that will read it for you , like a translation.

You can ask anything you want to the tarot , about your professional life, love life, spiritual life,  or anything that is important to you.

Besides asking you also can  discover which card of the tarot correspond to your soul learning on this lifetime , it is very easy to calculate .

Tarot soul card calculation

We all have a tarot card that corresponds to what our soul needs to learn most during  this  lifetime

to discover it just need to add your birth date , if the result number is bigger than 22,  just add again .


Birth date : 14 / 10/1990

1+4+1+0+1+9+9+0 =  25


the soul card number is 7 ( the chariot )

After that, just check on the list below the meaning of your tarot soul card and leave a comment if you please, sharing what is your number .

I would love to know !


What is my  tarot lesson this lifetime?

1- The Magician: Work with  your  own potentials, use your natural  abilities  .

2- High Priestess : It is a invitation to discover the divinity within as to study and develop spiritual issues , listen to your intuition .

3- The Empress : Be creative always,  allow all the love that exists inside of you  come to surface.

4- The Emperor : Requires discipline , leadership  with wisdom.

5- The High Priest:  It is a invitation to be part of something  bigger than you, helping the world , teaching , sharing what you learnt , been useful to humanity .

6- The Lovers: Make  your own decisions , choose your path , trust the divinity within you.

7- The Chariot : Power, choose carefully how to use it , very important task .

8-  Justice : Great opportunity to fix  past issues , forgiveness is the key .

9- The Hermit  : Opportunity to achieve higher levels of consciouness .

10-  Wheel of Fortune : Time to change and learn something new , get rid of the past and open yourself  to new ideas .

11- Strength : Self discipline is the key, use your  wisdom and keep your mind focused on inner balance.

12- The Hanged man : Time to see things from a different perspective .

13- Death:  Time to rebirth , break old habits  and  paradigms to achieve a breakthrough.

14: Temperance : The art of  balance and harmony , connection  to the cosmic  order and  timing.

15- The Devil : Deal with the material  world without becoming dependent of it .

16- The Tower : Breaking old patterns , starting over .

17- The Star : Always pay  attention to  the cosmic guidance , look to the signs , they will guide and protect you .

18- The Moon:  Find the truth inside of you, search for inner balance .

19- The Sun : Accept things as they are , spread love .

20- Judgement : Listen to the inner calling, time to step further , to go forward .

21- The world : Sharing wisdom, love and piece , time to help others .

22- The fool : Start fresh, no matter how many times you have to do it, new begginings always welcome .


Your tarot soul card  is not the only lesson we have this lifetime, but it a important part of it , so take your  time to meditate on it !


Dani Lobo



Ho´oponopono  is a Hawaiian word . It means to fix something that is broken, to make it right .

And it is starts with ourselves . Ho´oponopono is a mental process that allows  first to heal yourself  in a  very deep level .

When  you become right with yourself, you become right with others.

The first step to that process is to forgive. Without forgiveness the soul can not heal, without forgiveness the body  will perish .

We need to let it go, first inside of ourselves  then to the others involved. It is important to be in “Pono” with yourself , that is the beginning.

Ho´oponopono is a legacy of  ancient  Hawaiian wisdom , it is a treasure , a precious jewel .

It teaches us how to live in balance , well-being and have a prosperous life.

Healing the soul

Ancient Hawaiian wisdom teach us that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens to ourselves. . It means we create our own reality .

To be able to achieve higher levels  of conscioness and have a better life /reality  we need to change from inside out.

The inner change is the key to change our lives .

The soul needs forgiveness , needs to allow  good things like joy, happiness , good health and specially to have inner piece .

The firts step is self forgiveness , if there is no inner piece, there is no happy life.

The most important relationship  we have is with ourselves, inside of us, between our conscious mind and our subconscious  mind.

If both of them are in Pono , aligned , we will be just fine.

Our phisical life  is a reflection  of our interior .

Ho´oponopono  allows you to make these changes , it is a fantastic opportunity  to achieve inner balance , consequently creating  a better and happy reality

Aloha ,

Dani Lobo

Swimming with a Whale shark

I took this picture on august /2014.

It was the best experience /swimming/diving of my life, until now.

Swim with whales sharks was something i will never forget .

They are so big and so gentle ate the same time, i called them “piece giants”.

They taught me about love. I travelled from Brazil to Mexico , just to be there with them. I tried for 2 years .

The firts time (2013)  the season was over  and the next year (2014) i was there again and it was a dream com true.

To protect them , each boat can carry 10 people , and just 2 people in water  each time. It was me and my husband Chris. On our turn  we saw many of them , when we took that shot.

The second time in the water, i received a gift , i start swimming with a whale shark , doing my best to reach him lol, and we swam together for a few minutes just me and him.

The best feeling of my life.

And when i was too tired to keep swimming he just kept going and very softly  he touched me with his tale like if he was saying “see you soon”.

My giant sea friend .

it was a gift, i never touched him, to not disturb him.

I did not took a picture of this moment , cause i really decided  to live it , to feel it, and i forgot everything else.

It is recorded on my soul forever. They taught me to love all sharks.

After him, everything changed.

I am and always was a sea lover , but after that day i became a sharklover, all sharks. And i do my best to protect them , i try to do my share.

After that day i felt inner piece, it confirmed me i took the right decision  to become a vegetarian.

I am vegetarian for 15 years.

Let´s do it ! They need our help! Our love! All animals!

Let´s save our planet! Our oceans!

I pray, meditate  and practice  Reiki to the ocean benefit everyday , i love the ocean so much that is bigger than me. And make me so happy  to see so many others just like me, and for sure much better than me, spreading awereness about sharks and the sea…

We are not alone.

We are many…

God bless the sea.

Dani Lobo

Time to change

It is time to change , not the world, not others , it is time to change ourselves , look deep inside of us , to discover our true self .

To achive  this goal we need help , we need tools to open the way to inner world.

Crystals, Reiki, Meditation, Yoga, Tarot, Ho´oponopono , aromatherapy and so many others , just waiting  for you !

If we open our minds and dare to try something different , give a chance to the divine that exists inside of each one of us, we will find piece , joy, hapiness.

It is a fantastic journey waiting  for you.

It is up to you!

Go ahead!